Saturday, February 16, 2008

Murafa s-a mutat!

Promisesem de foarte multa vreme inaugurarea noii pagini personale. Ea a aparut cu multe luni intarziere, pentru ca experienta Statelor Unite si alte experiente personale au lasat mult dezechilibru in viata mea. Acum ca mi-am regasit pe deplin linistea, increderea, entuziasmul si motivatia atat pe plan personal, cat si pe plan profesional. Asa ca ma puteti regasi la deocamdata e numai un blog, dar cat de curand va fi transferat pe domeniu personal si customizat sa arate foarte trendy si profi. Do enjoy!

I had promised a long time ago to launch a new personal webpage. It is finally online, at The huge delay is due to a lot of things that went on my life, from personal to professional deliberations and hesitations. Now I'm more motivated, enthusiastic and self-confident than ever, so please join me at Posts will be both in Romanian and English, so that all my friends and connections can read about my thoughts on politics, youth, ORICUM, European Union and above all education.

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