Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Birthday News and Pics!

Spending my birthday far away from home and from my friends was kind of emotional. No "multi ani traiasca", no painfully big hug from Stefan, no terrorizing of Mutzu (the cat Alex and I proudly own), no Cocoon coming straight from the beauty parlour with funky hair-styles, no feline Ioana, Merry Z and Ilinca, no Oricum hand-made jewellery, or Giogo-like enthusiasm. Sorry for all of you whose specific manifestations I ommited. The jist of it is that I miss home, and most of all I miss being with people I share memories with. I've known Sasha and Catza for almost seven years now, for instance. It's hard building up new memories, sharing new emotions with people who were perfect strangers to you just a couple of weeks before, and so on.

Still, I did manage to find new friends here in NY, and hence I threw a little party in my dorm with cheesecake and Romanian wine and it was fun. The follow-up was supposed to be a wild clubbing night out, for which Mayank had polished his dancing shoes, but it all ended up in a friendly pool game. A big hug to all of you who came to the party, and to those who sent me happy b-day messages, and are now awaiting a remake-redo of the party back home, during the winter break. More pictures are to come, when I finally manage to touch base with Boryana, who still has some lovely pics on her camera.

Here are the pics! More to come, so re-visit the link soon.

My birtday per se was actually a great day out in Central Park, laughing and skating with special friends I have recently discovered. Thanks Benjamin, Alex, Sandra, Wilco, and Vidar for a sunny birthday. The marvellous photographer Benjamin Quinto captured everything. Nice posing, everybody!

later edit: Si da, persoana speciala si sasaita, daca ai fi fost cu mine aici, as fi fost muuult mai fericita!

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