Borat e la mare moda in State. Este cool sa astepti cu sufletul la gura Borat - din cate am inteles o comedie destul de trasnita despre un tip din Kazakhstan. Poante de tot felul, accentul rusesc exersat din plin, grosolanii amuzante, un fel de comedie alternativa foarte la moda printre hippsterii americani. In prima saptamana de la lansare Borat a incasat 27 de milioane de lire. Diverse filmulete cu Borat gasiti pe Youtube. Trailerul aici!
Problema este ca "Borat" nu a fost filmat in Kazakhstan, ci in Romania, anume in satucul numit Glod. Conform unui articol aparut azi in Daily Mail si preluat intens de ziarele din State, taranii romani care au filmat pentru "Borat" habar nu au avut pentru ce filmeaza; au fost pacaliti ca filmul este un documentar despre greutatile vietii la tara in Romania, si au fost platiti pentru eforturile lor cu 3 lire (britanice)/ locuitor. Acum sunt nemultumiti caci imaginea lor in film este cea a unei comunitati de inapoiati, alcatuita in cea mai mare parte din violatori, prostituate si alti declasati. Amaratii locuitori ai satului Glod se simt umiliti si - as zice eu - pe buna dreptate. Cea mai graitoare marturie este, cred, cea a lui nea Tudorache (as quoted in Daily Mail):
"Mr Tudorache, a deeply religious grandfather who lost his arm in an accident, was one of those who feels most humiliated. For one scene, a rubber sex toy in the shape of a fist was attached to the stump of his missing arm - but he had no idea what it was.
Only when The Mail on Sunday visited him did he find out. He said he was ashamed, confessing that he only agreed to be filmed because he hoped to top up his £70-a-month salary - although in the end he was paid just £3.
He invited us into his humble home and brought out the best food and drink his family had. Visibly disturbed, he said shakily: 'Someone from the council said these Americans need a man with no arm for some scenes. I said yes but I never imagined the whole country, or even the whole world, will see me in the cinemas ridiculed in this way. This is disgusting."
In prezent, satenii se pregatesc sa intenteze proces producatorilor filmului.
1 comment:
this just made my day!
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