Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bine ai venit!

Veneam azi spre casa de la o scurta si placuta intalnire, si ascultam muzica. Molatec si visator, "Clandestino" de la Mano Chao. Aproape ca ignoram faptul ca afara ploua cu soare, in picuri mici, reci si infuriati. Iesisem din metrou si faceam primii pasi "in cartier". Treceam pe langa un parculet mic si deprimant, cand o masina de pe carosabil incepe sa ma claxoneze foarte insistent. "Nesimtire sau poate au nevoie de vreo indicatie", imi spun. Imi dau castile jos, si cel care statea in dreapta soferului intinde o mana pe geam, spre mine: "Uita-te-n stanga". Cel mai frumos si mai lung curcubeu vazut vreodata taia cerul in doua. Am ras si i-am multumit pentru cea mai frumoasa primire de care am avut parte de cand m-am intors in tara. :)

P.S: Poza nu e facuta de mine (are sursa trecuta pe ea), dar am simtit nevoia sa includ niste culoare in peisaj :)


Red said...

uite si poza cu curcubeul:

Anonymous said...

Vai dar ce frumos! Sigur era in Bukresh? :)

Andreea Vasile said...

Si eu l-am vazut ieri pe Mosilor. Dar poza i-a facut Razvan. Intr-adevar, cel mai frumos curcubeu in a very long time...gave me da power!

Corina said...

thanks a lot, alex. poza arata excelent.
dap, dragii mei, acum ca suntem energizati... la atac!

Anonymous said...

wb home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Arco iris (¿curcubeul?/rainbow)

of course
you smile
and it doesn't matter how beautiful
or ugly
or old
or young
or how much
or how little
you really

you smile
as if it were
a revelation
and your smile obliterates
all previous ones
they expire instantly
their faces like masks
their eyes hard
like oval mirrors
your biting mouth
your whimsical chin
your aromatic cheek bones
your eyelids
your fear

you smile
and you are born
you take the world in
you look
without looking

and maybe
if the smile comes
from deep
deep down inside
you can smile
without tearing yourself apart
without despairing
without summoning death
without feeling empty

just crying

then your smile
if it still exists
becomes a rainbow.

-Mario Benedetti

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