Friday, December 01, 2006

Cataloage, cataloage...

Diana se tot plange in varii posturi de consumerismul societatii americane. Problema majora pe care o gasesc eu in gradul de consumerism atins in State este ca fabricarea anumitor produse duce cu mult succes la idiotizarea natiunii. Americanii pot cumpara practic totul: inlocuitoare de ingeniozitate, inlocuitarea de simt practic, de inovatie, de inteligenta. Ce Bergson... ce unelte de fabricat unelte... Le cumperi, frate, le cumperi.

Din avionul cu care m-am intors din Vermont am sutit un catalog de astfel de obiecte. O sa il pastrez ca pe un manifest de intoarcere la simplitate.

1. Gravity-defying boots: "these boots have a patented T-spring system that transforms walking, jumping, or running into an exhilarating low-impact bounce"

2. Pet Staircase (lightweight pet stairs help pets climb furniture) - foarte finisate, foarte imblanite, foarte "prep".

3. The peaceful progression wake up clock: "this clock gradually increases ambient light, stimulating aromas, and peaceful sounds to awaken sleepers"

4. The Upside-Down Tomato Garden:

5. The Original Sleep Sound Generation: "this compact device produces a gentle whoosing noise that blocks intermittent or continuous annoying sounds to that you can relax"

6. The laser-guided pool cue: "when activated, the harmless visible laser provides a precise guide for lining up shots"

7. The Advanced Large-Capacity Feline Drinking Fountain: "continually circulates water, encouraging proper hydration by attracting pets to dring more"

8. Comfortable Foot Pedestal Promises a Relaxing Shave: "the angled design allows you to balance your leg and shave with ease"

9. Pre-decorated pull-up trees: "These beautiful, pre-decorated and pre-lit Artificial Trees came out of their boxes mere seconds ago...complete with a bow topper too"

10. IPod Docking Station with toiled paper incorporated: "Why do we call it the king? Because it's the only docking station made especially for the room"

Catalogul are vreo 300 pagini, circa 5 minuni pentru a-ti usura viata pe pagina. Cum ar arata casa mea daca le-as cumpara pe toate? Hmmm...


merimeriquitecontrary said...

the ipod docking station is the bomb! oricat as dispretui eu ipoadele acest gadget e cel mai tare de la inventarea hartiei igienice cu doua straturi incolo! \:D/

Corina said...

Da... ma intreb daca si hartia igienica are stantat pe ea logo-ul Apple :)

merimeriquitecontrary said...

ar fi genial mai ceva ca hartia igienica happy end! :))

dar sa nu m-auda gioco ca zice ca ne stergem la fund cu nu e de bine.

Penny said...

un asemenea sul de hartie igienica cere si un colac de buda cu sigla apple... why not go all the way!?!

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